例句 |
nounverb workmen with picks and shovels手拿镐铲的工人 (North American English) The children took their pails and shovels to the beach. 孩子们带着桶和铲子到海滩上去了。 A gang of workmen were shovelling rubble onto a truck. 一帮工人正用铁锹往卡车上装碎石。 They went out in freezing conditions to shovel snow. 他们冒着严寒出去铲雪。 (North American English) to shovel the sidewalk/driveway (= to remove snow)铲除人行道/车行道上的积雪 (figurative) He sat at the table, shovelling food into his mouth. 他坐在桌前,一个劲地往嘴里塞吃的。 |