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词汇 surface
an uneven road surface凹凸不平的路面 We'll need a flat surface to play the game on. 我们得有个平面才能玩这个游戏。 Teeth have a hard surface layer called enamel. 牙齿有一层叫做釉质的坚硬表层。 a broad leaf with a large surface area表面积很大的阔叶 the earth’s surface地球表面 These plants float on the surface of the water. 这些植物漂浮在水面上。 We could see fish swimming just below the surface. a work surface操作台 She's cleaned all the kitchen surfaces. 她把厨房的所有台面全都收拾干净了。 You'll need a large smooth surface for rolling out the pastry. Rage bubbled just below the surface of his mind. 怒火在他心中燃烧,随时可能迸发。 It seems like a good idea on the surface but there are sure to be problems. 这主意乍一看不错,但肯定存在问题。 On the surface, he appeared unchanged. 看外表他好像没变。 We left feeling that we had just scratched the surface of this fascinating country. Cracks began to appear in the surface of the earth. On the surface his words were funny, but I detected a lot of anger behind them. She gives the impression of being rather conventional, but under the surface she is wildly eccentric. Smooth the surface with a spatula. Surface water made driving conditions hazardous. The ball rolled onto the frozen surface of the pond. The captain brought the submarine to the surface. The investigation barely scratched the surface of the city’s drug problem. The ring slowly sank beneath the surface of the mud pool. The wind rippled the surface of the lake. Visible light from the sun passes through the atmosphere to the Earth’s surface. a cleaning product for all kitchen surfaces a trail of pink flowers floating on the surface of the water the inner surface of a bone the surface layer of the skin The ducks dived and surfaced again several metres away. 鸭子潜入水中,然后在几米外又钻出水面。 Doubts began to surface. 质疑声开始出现。 She surfaced again years later in London. 多年后她又出现在伦敦。 No further information has surfaced yet. He finally surfaced around noon. 他终于在中午时分醒来。




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